When a foreigner plans to acquire a property in Mexico, the first thing to know is that it is completely safe and that over the years the purchasing process has been simplified by the Mexican government. In this investment guide, the process is clearly explained so that you do not have any doubt about it.
The first thing you should know is that in Mexico there are restricted areas, which is the land from the Mexican border to 61 miles (100km) inland or the land from the coast to 30.5 miles (50km), inland. Do not be misled by the denomination of these lands, a foreigner can acquire real estate within them through a trust or Mexican corporations, this is what the word “restricted” refers to. Outside the restricted areas, a foreigner can directly acquire their properties, that is, they can deed under their personal name without the need for a trust or a corporation.
The purchase with a Trust (Fideicomiso) is made through a bank. A trust is a real estate trustee that is held under your name in a Mexican bank that is registered with the fiduciary office. The bank acts as the fiduciary, keeping title to the property in its name and only fulfills the job of administrator, which represents another additional protection for the buyer.
The foreign investor is the beneficiary of the trust and, therefore, of the property. Only the beneficiary has the rights and absolute control over the property, being able to enjoy it, lease it, improve it, mortgage it or sell it, within the parameters of Mexican legislation. In no case the bank owns the trust or, therefore, the property. In this way your property is not exposed to legal problems in which the bank can be found. In addition, banks in Mexico are protected by the Mexican government in case of bankruptcy. The trust is indirectly guaranteed by the Mexican Government.
To obtain a trust, a permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required for credit institutions (Mexican banks) to acquire real estate rights within the restricted area on behalf of the beneficiary as fiduciaries. For the acquisition of this permit it is necessary to pay a fee and fill in a form that includes the beneficiary data, the credit entity and the land to be acquired. This procedure is easily carried out by means of a lawyer and a notary public. The resolution of the process is maximum 5 days.
The notary public is a key player in the transaction. Its most important function is to ratify the real estate transactions that are carried out in Mexico and must document the transaction in the Public Registry and the Cadastral Office. Without this the operation is not valid. That is, the notary ensures the legality of transference of title. In addition, it deals with the authentication of documents, the search for title deeds and deeds, the calculation and collection of taxes and request and collect all the corresponding permits among other things.
Trusts in Mexico are quite similar to those in the United States of America and Canada. It is not a lease, the beneficiary has the same “property” rights as in those countries. They are valid for 50 years, and are easily renewable for another 50 years as many times as necessary through the payment of a fee. You should also know that the Mexican State will never expropriate your property, since this is regulated in the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). There is only one strange exception, in the event that the government needs the land for public civil works, in which case the government will pay a current price for the land (Eminent Domain in the US, Compulsory Purchase in the UK or Expropriation in Canada).
The second way that a foreigner can to buy property in the restricted area is by creating a Mexican Corporation. It is important to keep in mind that it applies only for the purchase of non-residential properties. Foreigners can follow this path, even creating corporations with 100% foreign ownership, following some conditions, such as the acceptance of foreigners to be governed by the Mexican Laws and register the property as non-residential in the Secretariat of Foreign Relations.
Two types of corporations are usually used, the Corporations of Limited Responsibility (LLC) and a Limited Liability Company (LLP). To decide which type of corporation is the most advisable in the case of the investor, it is important to consult a lawyer and an accountant who will advise you based on the costs of constitution and maintenance and the taxes that correspond to each type of corporation. For the constitution of the corporation you will need a lawyer, an accountant and a notary.
As for the trust, the notary public is a key player in the transaction. Its function is the same as for the trust, to ensure the legality of transfer of the property title of the real estate (ratify real estate transactions, document the transaction, etc.). In addition to dealing with the transfer of the title, it also deals with all the legality related to the creation of the Corporation.
The total cost of buying a property in Tulum is 5-7% of the sale price of the property. This cost includes the expenses for taxes, notary, creation of the trust and obtaining the SRE permit.
In case you want to finance the operation through a mortgage, the interest rate that is usually obtained is between 7-10% the amount to be mortgaged. Traditionally real estate purchases in Mexico were not financed. However, mortgage credit is increasingly used.
- Hire the services of a lawyer throughout the process.
Our legal services will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the purchase process of your home. However, once you decide which property you want to acquire, we recommend that you hire your own lawyer. A lawyer represents and protects your legal interests, will be responsible for writing contracts and / or reviewing the terms and conditions of the sale. On the other hand, a lawyer can help you save money since you have contacts with banks, notaries and the Mexican government. The lawyer knows the most competitive costs and will make sure that you are getting the best prices. - Make the purchase through a trust.
It is a simple, fast process, cheaper than a Corporation and, when the purchase is made through a bank, it has an additional protection for the buyer. If you decide to use the formula of the Corporation, keep in mind that Tulum is a restricted area so it is only possible to buy non-residential properties. However, with the formula of the trust you can buy residential properties. - Buy properties that you would rent on vacation.
You are the best example of if a property is going to be rented and, therefore, be profitable. - Buy paying attention to quality, at a reasonable price.
- Low quality implies cheap rents while high quality implies high rents. The percentage revenues will be the same but, in the long term, quality promotions will have much lower expenses.
- High quality attracts a better type of clientele.
- The increasing increase in competition will cause poor quality promotions to be displaced from the market. Quality will always rent. All this will translate into higher returns.
- Buy easy-to-maintain properties.
The "risky" architectural designs in the long term entail expensive maintenance costs. Elegant designs and quality materials will always attract customers and will be cheap to maintain, which will maximize your investment.